Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I need to give you all an update! So, I'm here at Oxford, settling in... things are fine, but I've hardly had a minute to write and my internet has been acting up. At any rate, here's the latest:

Flew over to the UK last Monday, Sept. 27. It was an overnight flight and I arrived around noon on Tuesday the 28th. After a glitch with my bus ticket, I finally was on my way to Oxford around 2 pm. Got to my lodging at 4 pm, showered and went to my first introductory meeting at 5 pm. Went out to dinner with some other new students, then came back and unpacked everything. Went to bed around 2 am.

On Wednesday the 29th, I woke up thinking that it was mid-morning. I was wrong - it was 2 in the afternoon! So, apparently, I was tired. :-P It's taken me several days to get used to the time difference, but I think I'm finally settling into it. My body just couldn't get the knack of going to bed at a different time. Anyway, a brief overview of what else I've done since arriving...

Went to a few meetings at Regent's Park College, my college at Oxford. Had dinner there last Thursday night. Went to a postgrad welcome dinner on Saturday night. Met up with some new friends for lunch on Sunday, and went to church Sun. night at an evangelical Anglican church up the street called St. Andrews. Seems like a good place. Met with my advisor on Sat. and had a good chat about what I should be focusing on as I begin. Monday I went to library orientation and walked around Oxford for quite a while, getting my bearings. Yesterday (Tuesday), more orientations and today I met with my college tutor about various details.

If that all seems like a blur, well, it feels that way too. It's hard to believe it's only been one week. It feels like I've been here a lot longer. And, there are things going on at the university pretty much non-stop, so I'm sure I've missed some things that I should have attended. Oh well. So far so good! Now I'm off to get some groceries...

From Oxford, UK, this is Geoff, signing off.

1 comment:

Darlene said...

Hey Geoff!

So glad you are there! Looking forward to following your adventure. We miss you here in the Northwest, but will keep you in our prayers.

Take care, and keep in touch

Darlene and Brent