Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Subjective Meaning of Christianity...

"As St Augustine said, there are certain things we can learn only if we love what we are seeking to learn about. The real meaning of saying 'God is love' is forged and acquired in subjective life; its real meaning is what it means in my life. Any objective facts of the matter about 'Christianity' touch only the surface of Christianity. Christianity is not a body of propositions, but a way one's 'existence', one's personal life, must be transformed."

John Caputo (in How to Read Kierkegaard)


phil said...

Caputo is certainly an interesting guy, saying all the right things and all...sigh

Geoff said...

yeah, in a different context, I'd probably want to study with him. But since I don't quite take Derrida to be the 4th member of the Trinity... ;-) haha.