Sunday, December 14, 2008


So, haven't had much to say in the last few days... but changes are afoot:

1) I have finished all my PhD applications. Now I wait to hear back from the schools...
2) I have to move out of my apartment. My housemate/landlord and his wife are expecting their first child, and apparently it will need the entire basement! :-)
3) I have found a new apartment, but since I am in limbo (at least until April) with regard to PhD programs, I will be boxing everything up, moving in Jan, and keeping it all packed up until I hear back, at which time I'll either unbox and figure out what to do if I'm not accepted, or...
4) I will remain packed up until August, at which point I'll be moving to some other part of the country, starting a PhD program, and a whole new phase of life will begin. So, needless to say, the next several months will be quite interesting.
5) Prayers appreciated!


Anonymous said...

Hey Geoff,

Very exciting times for you! Did you apply to philosophy programs, or philosophical theology?


Geoff said...

philosophical theology programs, or theology programs with interdisciplinary crossover into philosophy.