Saturday, January 5, 2008

just some random new year thoughts...

If we have been made "free indeed" in Christ, why do we continue to live in bondage to that which enslaves us? Because freedom cannot be forced, that’s why. Freedom must be lived into, but living into freedom requires actually believing that the freedom we are stepping into is more real than the bondage that provides comfort and a way of coping with life's uncertainties. It is much easier to step back into a slavery that is real and comfortable than a freedom that remains a mystery. In this sense, anything - even one's religion - can be a form of bondage. Clearly, this is not to say that we do not desire freedom. But we are caught in a dilemma which we cannot easily see: Though we long to be free, it is far easier to remain in a world that "makes sense" and provides "stability" than it is to risk stepping into the mystery of potential freedom. My prayer is that I would be more willing to take the risk of freedom in 2008 and in the coming years...

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